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I'm a bbw 51years old

Age 51 From Columbus, Indiana - Online Today
Woman Seeking Woman (165 Miles Away)

I'm 51 yrs old looking for a maybe and see where it go's

You want to know anything ask me

Age 39 From Indianapolis, Indiana - Online 4 days ago
Woman Seeking Man (173 Miles Away)

I'm loyal, respectful, kind, I wear my heart on my sleeve. Looking for someone to love me and want me.

I am a big woman and I know what I want

Age 43 From Mooresville, Indiana - Online 1 week ago
Woman Seeking Man (181 Miles Away)

I am a big and Beautiful, kind and loving and caring and sweet and I am tired of getting man at only want one thing and at it I want a good man at will treat my like a queen and help do things around the house and I sould not have to ask the man...

Smart blonde looking for you Are you him

Age 41 From Crown Point, Indiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (249 Miles Away)

Mom of 2 kids, love to go out on adventures, concerts, camping, dinner dates but also love to be at home snuggled in a blanket 💖 I'd rather chat and then meet someone fairly quickly so we're not wasting our time.

Is this really where I'm at in my life?

Age 38 From Evansville, Indiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (281 Miles Away)

I'm not sure what I'm doing on here to be honest I don't really know what to expect off online dating I would just like to get to know somebody that can help take up some of my time and make me feel special

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Age 37 From Michigan City, Indiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (235 Miles Away)

Just ready to find the right one fr please

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