Featuring: Tattoos Fort Smith Arkansas - Join Our 100% Free Website Now!

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Feature Members who have just joined up:

I'm looking for friends to start.

Age 53 From Mountain Home, Arkansas - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking Man (567 Miles Away)

I would like to find a friend that's open minded as I am.

About me.......just ask

Age 44 From Leachville, Arkansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (483 Miles Away)

Anything you want to know, just ask. I am not shy.

Peaceful and Blessed

Age 41 From Tyronza, Arkansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (507 Miles Away)

I’m a country girl, who loves to be outdoors.

Looking for something real

Age 36 From Benton, Arkansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (646 Miles Away)

I want something real and someone I can be happy with

Like you so you can love me!

Age 47 From Huntsville, Arkansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (642 Miles Away)

Funny sarcastic and maybe a little morbid in my sense of humor.

Irish Redheaded Fire Fighter/EMS

Age 53 From Heber Springs, Arkansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (582 Miles Away)

As I said in my headline I'm a Fire Fighter/EMS. I'm a adrenaline junkie and on many teams in the department. I'm funny, sarcastic and a whole lot smartassy. I'm a straight forward person and I don't sugar coat anything. I'm also have my serious...

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