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Newest Members who have just joined up:

Nothings sexier

Age 37 From Towanda, Pennsylvania - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking Man (1171 Miles Away)

Judge free zone so just be honest with yourself and me

Looking for a friend.

Age 55 From Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1123 Miles Away)

Friendly and caring. Looking for a friend. .

See whats out there its been awhile

Age 44 From Pottsville, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1177 Miles Away)

outspoken, out going, italian (so loud sometimes

Enjoy Life with a beautiful soul

Age 45 From Irwin, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (991 Miles Away)

Energy doesn't lie. Looking for a Good vibes!

I'm Ellen im 47 no games or lies

Age 47 From Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1198 Miles Away)

I'm looking for my forever no games or lies

I'm not like the others... 😘

Age 43 From Erie, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (990 Miles Away)

Quiet, caring, and hard working... Once in a lifetime kinda find...

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