Done Too Much, Much Too Young!
Age 58 From Sydney, Australia Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking A Woman
Basic Information
Tell us a bit about yourself.
- I Can Speak English
- I Would Describe Myself As Okay, here we go again. I've tried other dating sites, and the only thing that I got was a bill! And a headache. I am not going to lie to you. And I'm not going to give you a bunch of garbage about how good I am supposed to be. Because that will only make you expect something that you will never get. I don't believe in Fairy Tales! And I definately don't believe in Hollywood Stereotypes. Even though much of the populace now does. I have read heaps of books. But they were non fiction, and not novels. I have had a varied employment career. 35 jobs in all. Everything from Teaching, to working in a Chocolate Factory. I don't drink, take drugs, or have a criminal record. So if you are after that in a man, then go to the next bloke in your list. Because I don't, and I would hope that you don't either. I'm not going to hurt you. Even though the TV tells you, that as a man, I most probably will. That's just Propaganda designed to make females scared. Yep, read heaps about that too! I have travelled up and down the Eastern Seaboard of our country numerous times. Both on two wheels, and on two feet. I've been through the Family Court System. But only five times. And I was the applicant in each case. That should tell you something about me there ladies! I was the applicant, not the respondent. I try to eat very healthily. And can cook okay. Not the best mind you, but at least I try. My favorite colour is Black. My music tastes vary from day to day. However,,, Classical Music drives me insane. I don't like it all that much. And can't listen to it for any length of time. There are certain employment professions that I absolutely despise. But as you get to know me you will understand why. One of my major pet hates, is people, or groups, that spread vicious rumours about others for their own reward. If you fall into that category, then please click away. As I am not interested in you in the slightest. There is alot of other stuff I could write, but I want to have something to be able to use, should we ever meet. Thanks for taking the time to read this. turn your TV off!
- Sign Pisces
Appearance & Situation
What's your present situation? Describe your appearance.
- My Body Type Is Slim
- My Height Is 5' 6 (1.68 m)
- My Eyes Are Gray
- My Ethnicity Is Caucasian
- My Marital Situation Is Never Married
- I Have Kids Yes - Not At Home
- I Want Kids Not Sure
- My Best Feature Is Hair
- Body Art Visible Tattoo
- My Hair Is Brown
- I Have One Or More Of These No pets
- Willing To Relocate Yes
What do you do?
- My Education Level Is Some College
- My Current Employment Status Is Self-employed
- My Speciality Is Other
- My Job Title Is Various job titles over the years.
- I Live Alone
- At Home All Is Calm
- I'm A Smoker Yes - Trying To Quit
- I Drink No
How do you act? What are your tastes?
- Back In High School, I Was A Outcast
- My Social Behavior Is Reserved, Shy, Observant, Anti-social, Friendly, Comedic, Flirtatious, Outgoing, Dark
- My Interest And Hobbies Are Arts & Crafts, Reading, Learning, Music, Photography, Travel, Fishing / Hunting, Computers
- My Idea Of A Great Time Is Trying New Things, Relaxing, Reading A Book, Going To A Concert, Going To A Museum
- An Ideal First Date Would Be Maybe a quite dinner. Somewhere where the food is fresh. And there is NO SUSHI! Or maybe something where I could get to know the person a bit to see if there was anything there that we had in common. Something different than what we are led to believe is the norm.
- I've Always Wanted To Try Time Travel. Yeah, I know that you probably think that answer is juvenile. But just imagine what you could see and accomplish if you could really travel through time. Both backwards and forwards.
- My Friends Describe Me As Being Friendly, Someone They Want To Be, Cool
Views on life.
- My Religion Is Agnostic
- I Attend Services Never
- My Political Views Are Anarchist
- My Goal In Life Is To be the kind of man that I want to be.
- My Kind Of Humor Is Clever, Dry / Sarcastic, Friendly, Goofy, Obscure, Raunchy, Sadistic
What do you like?
- On Tv, I Always Watch Documentaries, Situation Comedies, Instructional, I Don't Like Tv
- When I Go To The Movies, I Always Go To See A Science Fiction, Comedy, Documentary, Animation
- When Listening To Music, I Always Listen To Rock, Metal, Electronic, Vacuum Cleaner Noises, Industrial, New age, Punk
- When I Read, I Always Read Ancient, Computers, History, Instructional, Philosophy, Political, Reference, Religious, Science, Technical
- My Idea Of Fun Is To be honest ladies, I really don't know what that word means anymore!
Looking for
What are you looking for in your soulmate?
- What Do You Find Attractive? Intelligence, Good Looks, Humor, Empathy, Sensitivity, Boldness, Oddities, Spontaneity, Wit, Thoughtfullness, Passiveness
- What Do You Look For? I look for women whom have empathy for others. I look for women whom can see the little details of the big picture. And not just brush over the fine print.
- What Kind Of Relationship Are You Seeking? Friend, Date, Intimate, Committed
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