
Blank canvas who loves covered ones

Године 44 из Calgary, Alberta На мрежи Пре више од 2 недеља

Мушкарац тражим жену

Основни подаци Реците нам нешто о себи.
  • Мој опис First off i love Tattoo's and really love Girls with Tattoo's i have none to date because i always felt since i was a good artits i was gonna draw my own but now i am like screw that i have waited too long and i will be getting some sortly
    I am a single dad, who raises a 4 year old girl..24/7 she lives with me. I am very family orintated and family is very important to me. I am originally from a small town in Sask of 500 people. I moved here for college in 98 and when that didn't work out i began plumbing. My Grandpa was a plumber as was my dad, they owned there own business back home. Some day i would like to start my own plumbing business.

    I own my own house and have my head screwed on straight. I would also like to meet a gal who has hers screwed on straight(doesn't mean u have to own ur own house) i am not into games or drama or going to the bar every night. I would like to meet someone who is an equal and a partner not another kid to take care of. I am a one woman kind of man so i don't play that game either

    I really enjoy movies, sports and spending time with my little girl, and with friends. I like all kinds of music but seem to be in a metallica, motley crue stage

    I have been acused of being a big teddy bear. I'm a very happy, go lucky guy who always is laughing and has a smile on my face. My friends say they can always count on and trust
  • Хороскопски знак Бик
Изглед и стање Какво је Ваше тренутно стање? Опишите како изгледате.
  • Моје грађа Мали вишак килограма
  • Висина Више од 193 цм
  • Боја очију Плавa
  • Раса Белац/Белкиња
  • Брачно стање Сингл
  • Имам децу Да - код куће
  • Желим децу Да
  • Моја најбоља карактеристика Очи
  • Боја косе Тамно смеђа
  • Имам Мачка
  • Спреман/Спремна за селидбу Не
Статус Чиме се бавите?
  • Образовни ниво Факултет, али га нисам завршио/завршила
  • Мој радни однос Пуно радно време
  • Моја струка Грађевина/Занат
  • Назив мог радног места Journeyman Plumber
  • Мој годишњи приход $60.000USD до $74.999USD
  • Живим Дететом/Децом, Кућним љубимцем/љубимцима
  • Код куће Понекад ми дођу пријатељи
  • Пушим Не
  • Пијем Да - у друштву

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